- To increase public awareness of asthma, its prevalence, and related health issues in the Triangle Region of NC,
- To provide education about asthma and related health issues, and
- To support and empower the citizens of the Triangle in identifying measures for change to improve conditions related to asthma health in local communities throughout the area, as needed.
“As a member of the Triangle Asthma Coalition leadership board, I’m committed to working with our asthma champions to lead the charge in improving respiratory outcomes in our state through research and education,” says Lisa Feierstein, RN, BSN, MBA, founder of Active Healthcare, in Raleigh.
“We are eager to reach as many children and families as we can in North Carolina with information about asthma,” says Melissa Forde, area director for the Raleigh, N.C. office of the American Lung Association (ALA).

Triangle Asthma Coalition © 2021 (formerly Wake County Asthma Coalition)